Our Work


We work with Canadian and global partners to implement innovative strategies that improve health, reduce poverty, and build social justice and equity in marginalized communities around the world.

Healthcare worker treating patient in a remote location in Guatemala.
Healthcare worker treating patient in a remote location in Guatemala.


TulaHealth is committed to the principles of social justice and equity for all people. Our global health projects are implemented upon the principles of sustained local commitment, scientific evidence and best practices, and innovation.

Future Direction

We are dedicated to developing innovative global health strategies that find new ways of addressing problems more effectively and efficiently than existing approaches. To do so, TulaHealth collaborates with a broad field of expertise in the academic, private, and non-profit sectors, as well as government and multilateral government agencies. (SeeĀ our partners)

Accountability Statement

TulaHealth is committed to advancing our mission and principles as effectively and efficiently as possible, while remaining accountable to our Canadian and global stakeholders. Recognizing the vulnerability of the people and communities that we work with, TulaHealth places human dignity and accountability at the centre of our work. We take full responsibility for the way we work, the decisions we make, and the impact we have on the communities and peoples we work to support. Our policies and practice promote transparency at all levels of our organisation and ensure we uphold the needs and meet the expectations of the people and communities we work with. TulaHealth has zero tolerance for discriminatory and exploitative behaviour, bullying, and sexual harassment and abuse in all forms.

Learn more about our work